Check out some of the best stuff you might have missed across Crave from the month of July…
Nearly 500,000 page views
WHY SHOULD I CARE?: Put 150,000 rabid film, TV and comics fans together with the full resources of Crave’s editorial and video teams and you’ve got a package of Comic-Con content that rivals anything done by anyone else anywhere. Seriously. It’s all there. Take a spin through any of it. It’s all money. ‘Nuff said.

46,000+ YouTube views
WHY SHOULD I CARE?: Well, almost ’nuff said…one last Comic-Con note. Because CraveOnline cameras were in the mix, conducting interviews for 20th Century Fox films, we got the inside tipoff and invite to a surprise press conference Fox was holding Saturday. Turns out, the entire collected cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past were on hand to shock the denizens of Hall H. CraveOnline was there to film the entire press conference with Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Jennifer Lawrence, Halle Berry and all the rest of those X-folks…and we were the first outlet to post that complete video to YouTube within minutes after it wrapped up. YouTube fans liked… In fact, CraveOnline’s Comic-Con coverage drew in more than 100,000 total YouTube views.

1,900+ social shares, 115+ comments
WHY SHOULD I CARE?: So, a vocal segment of Superman fans weren’t entirely happy with Man of Steel. Seems Supes did a couple things in the film that were at least a little un-Superman-y. Like pretty much wrecking Smallville. And Metropolis. And (SPOILER ALERT) snapping a guy’s neck. WHAT!? Superman doesn’t kill! CraveOnline Film Editor William Bibbiani became a lightning rod in the controversy with his “Shut Up!” editorial. And 6 weeks later, it’s STILL drawing heated debate, garnering thousands of Facebook and Twitter likes and reposts as well as generating more than 115 comments on the article. Don’t mess with the “S”…it really pisses people off.

3,700+ social shares
WHY SHOULD I CARE?: The formula is ridiculously simple…work with a successful program like Starz’ recently-completed “Spartacus” series, post an exclusive video clip on our site from the forthcoming final season Blu-ray/DVD release, dangle that in front of the 3.5 million fans on the “Spartacus” Facebook page…and watch ’em rush to our door. We know what the fans want…we know how to give it to ’em…win.

2,000+ social shares
WHY SHOULD I CARE?: You’re an up-and-comer band on the rise. Where do you want to debut your new video? Or unveil exclusive tracks from your forthcoming album? Or do a studio session? If you’re the SoCal happy bohemians the Mowgli’s, or New Jersey indie rockers Brick+Mortar, or Detroit headbangers Wilson or Long Island purveyors of metal The Things They Carried? You come to CraveOnline. All debuted exclusive music, video and live performances with us in July…and their fans came to us to check it out. And there are even bigger things to come for Crave Music…including August’s Artist of the Month Everlast! (Just wait ’til you check out his interview…oh man, it’s wild.)