Guardians of the Galaxy: Check Out Images from James Gunn’s London Shoot


In case you missed it over the weekend, London was the site of an alien invasion and an apparent attack.

Since that little news nugget probably would have found its way to even the most unplugged among you by now, it's safe to assume the gathering of aliens on London's Millennium Bridge Sunday was the work of an enterprising film crew.

And you'd be right — director James Gunn moved his Guardians of the Galaxy shoot right into the heart of London as cameras captured an array of alien extras running across the impressive span over the River Thames.

None of the film's stars were on hand, even though many media outlets misidentified one of the more regal looking aliens as a heavily disguised Glenn Close, who's playing Nova Corps head Nova Prime in the Marvel Phase 2 production.

Even though there were no Chris Pratt or Zoe Saldana sightings to be had, the flurry of activity still gave the residents and visitors of London a charge as many stood by, trying to snap their own pics of the elaborate shoot.

Check out our gallery of some of the cool sights we can expect when Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters Aug. 1, 2014.

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