Wanna know what’s happening on the web this week? Bombs away, atypical beach day, Nic Cage – ole!, phones on planes, Daft video games. Here’s the week in viral:
The Internet Reacts To Obama’s Plan To Bomb Syria

Why so Syria? [More]
Russian Navy Hovercraft Lands On Busy Beach
I think there was a Beach Boys song about this.
Found: Nic Cage In A Mexican History Textbook

Las abejas! Las abejas! [via, 2]
Why Can’t You Use Phones On Planes?
Ohhh, magic. Got it.
“Get Lucky” – Daft Punk (Mario Paint Version)
We’ve come too far to give up on the star (road)
See you next time for more linking and twerking
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!