Get out the heavy artillery, lock the doors and try to stay down wind.
Why? Because “The Walking Dead” is back, and it’s bringing the zombie apocalypse that everyone furloughed by the Government shutdown was wishing for. O
As popular as the show is, it’s only a matter of time before celebrities start making zombie appearances. With that in mind I give you, 20 Celebrity Zombies We’d Like To See On “The Walking Dead.”
Special thanks to for helping me make these celebrity terrors. Which celebrity would you like to see become one of the undead? Let us know in the comment section below!
20 Celebrities We Want To See on 'The Walking Dead'
20. Anne Hathaway
Everybody wants her dead anyway. Let’s see her killer smile work while blood drools out of her mouth.
19. Ben Affleck
This isn’t actually Ben as a zombie, this is what some Batman fans did to him after he was announced as the new caped crusader.
Personally I just want to see if he can bring that same level of douche baggery to the screen, even as the undead.
18. CM Punk
Who doesn’t want to see a zombie clothesline followed by the arm falling off, or a dropkick ending in the loss of both feet?
17. David Tennant
He has to stumble out of a big blue phone booth or it just doesn’t work.
16. Emma Stone
As long as she’s naked I don’t care what her face looks like.
15. Emma Watson
I’m just hoping that she might actually have emotions as a zombie.
14. George Clooney
It would be nice to see this guy ugly, just once.
13. George Romero
Hey, he started it!!
12. Hugh Jackman
He couldn’t pull off a bad ass Wolverine, but maybe a badass zombie...
11. Jack Gleason
Everybody hates this kid on "Game Of Thrones." Watching him get decapitated by Rick on "The Walking Dead" could be a super ratings boost.
10. Jesse Pinkman
Who doesn’t want to see a zombie that keeps uttering “Bitch” whenever it captures a human prey?
09. Justin Bieber
I’m convinced he’s already the undead. This would help prove my point.
08. Katy Perry
Who doesn’t want to watch the prom queen get riddled full of bullets?
07. Lady GaGa
Because "The Walking Dead" really needs a dance number.
06. Miley Cyrus
Zombie twerking. The most unnerving scene of the entire series.
05. Nathan Fillion
"Castle" could use the ratings boost.
04. Neil Patrick Harris
The only guy who could make zombies fun again.
03. Peter Dinklage
Just look at him as a zombie! Absolute badass!!
02. Scarlett Johannson
Please see the Emma Stone explanation.
01. Walter White
A zombie in a black fedora and tighty whities? Who doesn’t want to see that?