Time to work as a cop at a college, pepper spray a bunch of student protesters, become a meme and an internet villain, go into hiding for awhile, eventually get awarded over $30,000, say to yourself “justice is finally served” in a deep, brooding voice, and check out these links!
I Hate Buzzfeed.
It’ll leave the folks at Buzzfeed saying “omg” and “wtf.”
UC Pepper Spray Officer Awarded $38,000

It’s nice to know John Pike’s story has a happy ending.
Slim Shady On His New Album: The Marshall Mathers LP 2

Still Shady after all these years.
What Are Americans Searching For On Pornhub?

Porn’s as American as apple creampie.
The Bill & Ted Show At Universal Studios Is Super Homophobic (And Also Racist And Terrible)

And now, like a phone booth vanishing into thin air, it’s gone.
That’s all for this this buzz-fed edition of The Big List!
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!