You should have planned your evening better. You should have stocked your refrigerator with more forethought. You should have held on to your sobriety just long enough to ensure that it never came to pass.
But at some point when your defenses are low and your decision-making abilities are at their weakest, buying one those Big Bite hot dogs or mini-tacos at 7-Eleven is going to seem like a plausible thing to do.
You need to fight that urge.
And hopefully, this will help. Thrillist has graded nine different food items found under the withering 7-Eleven heat lamp of death — and judged exactly how much shame you should feel for scarfing each of these things down your gullet.
No matter how you slice it, it’s not pretty. But thankfully, the rock-hard consistency of most 7-Eleven food items means there’s basically zero potential for any slicing anyway.
You can check out all the gruesome details over at Thrillist.