Wanna know what’s happening on the web this week? No drive, racism survives, dragons arrive, C3P0 nose-dive, and make it out of a Wes Anderson movie alive! Here’s the week in viral:
“No Woman, No Drive” – Alaa Wardi
What if a car secured the ovaries, so it’s safe for a woman to drive? Like a vaginal airbag?
A Flowchart On Wearing Blackface For Halloween

There we go. Problem solved. [via]
The Midnight Coterie Of Sinister Intruders (SNL Horror Trailer)
I want that stationary.
Where Are My Dragons?

Should’ve checked the bakery. Thanks, everybody. [via]
Star Wars Blooper Reel
Use the farts, Luke. I mean force! Force!
See you next time for more linking and authentic dragon eggs.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!