Time to run for president on health care reform, tell everyone they can keep their individual plan, realize that won’t be true, because some plans don’t meet the minimum requirements of reform, facepalm really hard, so hard you go to the hospital, meet some really disgruntled folks who have higher insurance now and check out these links!
Red Sox Fan Dedicates Garbage Can He’s Lighting On Fire To Marathon Victims (The Onion)

Yankees suck at mayhem!
Letting Everyone Keep Their Health-Care Plan Is A Terrible Idea

…if, indeed, that was what was happening.
Banksy’s Month-Long Residency In NYC Ends With A $600,000 Sale Of One Artwork

I wish my building would get vandalized by a famous artist.
Top Reviewers On Amazon Get Tons Of Free Stuff

There’s the Vine that people know, and the Vine that actually gives you stuff. [via]
The Eternal Backpack Question, Answered: Is It Cooler To Two-Strap Or To One-Strap?

Pretty soon, kids will just download textbooks into their brains, and carrying a backpack at all will be hilariously ironic.
That’s all for this this rioting edition of The Big List!
Geoffrey Golden is the author of the bestselling humor book Frankenstein’s Girlfriend.