Trolling #12: RoboCop SUCKS!

The remake of Paul Verhoeven’s 1987 sci-fi classic RoboCop is due out in theaters in a few months, and most audiences, from what I have been able to surmise through unscientifically casual conversations, are not looking forward to it. Why, they ask, remake a movie like RoboCop, which is almost perfect already? RoboCop is well-regarded, well-reviewed, and well-beloved by many sci-fi fans over a certain age.

What’s that you say? Something is well-regarded, well-reviewed, and well-beloved? Why, that sounds like prime fodder for Trolling, the CraveOnline weekly feature wherein we deliberately subvert the dominant paradigms, all to make you mad. Credibility be damned, it’s time to take a piss all over everything you love.

And if you love RoboCop, read on in hatred, because Trolling has found a few ways to gleefully and enthusiastically tear down that one as well. Consider that RoboCop, often praised as a salient satire on ’80s corporate culture and one of the more entertaining sci-fi films of the decade, might actually suck. Let’s look into why. 

RoboCop is a poignant satire of corporate rampage, is deceptively sophisticated, and can be seen as an ultra-violent blast of fun. It’s also deeply flawed when you look at RoboCop himself, who is expected to be seen as a hero, but is truly monstrous. The messages of violence are muddled, and it’s hard to see if Verhoeven was trying to lambast violence or glorify it. In certain sequences, it plays like a horror movie. Maybe this movie sucks after all.

Until next week, let the hate mail flow. 

Witney Seibold is a featured contributor on the CraveOnline Film Channel, and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. You can read his weekly articles Trolling, Free Film School and The Series Project, and follow him on “Twitter” at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind. 

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