Trolling #18: A Christmas Story SUCKS!

There are certain Christmas movies that are not only well-beloved, but standard holiday viewing for many families. Every Christmas season, films like Miracle on 34th Street, Santa Claus: The Movie, and It’s a Wonderful Life grace TV sets all across this great nation of ours, warming hearts, and wrapping all spirits with Christmas cheer. And of these movies, none seems to be more beloved than Bob Clark’s 1983 classic A Christmas Story. This is a film so well-regarded and so loved that certain cable stations play the movie on a continuous loop all through December 25th.

What’s that? Did someone say “well-regarded” and “loved?” That’s makes Trolling‘s ears prick up. Why stand up with the masses, praising a beloved classic when it’s so much more sadistically satisfying to lay into it with logical poniards and argumentative weapons of destruction? Why kowtow to pop culture’s most widely-held opinions when heresy is so delicious?

Indeed, there may be a few vital things very much wrong with A Christmas Story. This heart-warming holiday classic may actually be a caustic and abrasive horror to some eyes. Why do people love this movie and re-watch it with such fondness? It’s downright abrasive, and near-nihilistic in its level of hopelessness. Let’s go ahead and say it aloud to make sure the air is clear: A Christmas Story SUCKS! Let’s explore a few brief reasons why.


It’s a fun film to quote, and I have heard some people say they relate to the playful holiday chaos on screen. It must be doing something right to have its own holiday marathon, and I’m certainly not the one to stand in the way of traditions. But lurking under the cheery façade of one of the world’s most beloved Christmas movies is an ugliness that’s hard to ignore. This is a movie about greed, despair, and lies.

Until next week, let the hate mail flow…

Witney Seibold is a featured contributor on the CraveOnline Film Channel, and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. You can read his weekly articles Trolling, Free Film School and The Series Project, and follow him on “Twitter” at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind. 

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