Trolling #21: Michael Bay RULES!

Infamous action jockey Michael Bay is something of an enigma in the filmmaking world. Critics tend to hate his work pretty laterally and he gets little respect as an auteur, yet his films are seen by millions of people and make millions upon millions of dollars. His Transformers films alone are discussed endlessly by just about everyone under the age of 30 on the internet, and I know many people who own several Bay films in home video, despite an open loathing for the director. Never has the financial success and cultural presence of a filmmaker been so inversely proportional with their popularity as an artist. Bay’s movies are simultaneously hated and universally seen.

What’s more, Bay has not come across as the most sensitive or humble man in interviews, usually talking only about how much he loves explosions and action, rarely addressing things like character, plot, or theme. He openly uses his films’ financial success to gain validation as a talent. Bay is often the go-to name for anyone looking for an archetypal Hollywood hack.

This means, of course, that it’s high time Trolling defended the man. We won’t rest until we’ve pissed off every single person in the world! Bay, so often accused of being a talentless Hollywood hack without a humble bone in his body, may actually be a stirring talent and one of the most important figures working in modern Hollywood. Indeed, let us posit that Michael Bay RULES! Let’s take a look at a few reasons why…


Bay’s films are sometimes clunky, often chaotic, usually obvious, sometimes sexist, and might be accused of jingoism, but you cannot deny the sheer force of popular power the man seems to wield. He knows how to gather a crowd. And, at the end of the day, he is probably the single best proprietor of explosions working today. He is enthused about action, and can wrangle some of the biggest productions in Hollywood. He is a master.

Until next week, let the hate mail flow.  

Witney Seibold is a featured contributor on the CraveOnline Film Channel, and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. You can read his weekly articles Trolling, Free Film School and The Series Project, and follow him on “Twitter” at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind. 

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