Justice League #27 supports my earlier claim that the Forever Evil event is better left just to the mini-series dedicated to it. The series itself has been incredibly entertaining, but all the other books involved with it are boring, pointless, or both. I understand the effects of Forever Evil will have major repercussions in the DC Universe, but Christ on a crutch, they are dragging this out to a torturous point.
Speaking of torturous. Justice League #27. An entire issue dedicated to Cyborg. I will repeat that. An ENTIRE issue dedicated to Cyborg. Wait, I’m being too generous – it’s not even an issue dedicated to Cyborg doing anything, just mainly to him being rebuilt. Yes, I’m sure the new Cyborg will be instrumental in brining down the Crime Syndicate, but a whole issue? Justice League #27 spends two pages on Johnny Quick and Atomica killing two members of the Doom Patrol, and the next twenty on Cyborg being rebuilt and then heading into the world to try and help.
I wish there was more to say here, but there’s really not. Cyborg spends most of issue #27 laying on a table having an emotional moment with his dad. Poppa Cyborg hangs onto guilt for what he did to his son originally and wants no part in rebuilding him. They talk, have their Oprah moment, and then BANG, a scientist in a half destroyed lab with little power and few instruments, rebuilds Cyborg better than ever. Cyborg does some good deeds and then heads off to try and recruit the Metal Men, which apparently isn’t going to happen. Why? Don’t worry, ALL of Justice League #28 is dedicated to that story.
As I’ve said, I understand that Geoff Johns wants to make the Crime Syndicate a more well-rounded villain team. I fully get that he wants their time on Earth to have huge implications, but seriously, enough is enough. Every single solitary corner of the DCU is being scrubbed with the Crime Syndicate loofah. Anybody who ever farted in the DCU is probably going to get an issue dedicated to them during Forever Evil. The most criminal part is that Johns is burying the solid Forever Evil story under the weight of so many unnecessary side stories.
I’m not sure who to give art credit to. Layouts have been done by Ivan Reis, but finishes were handed over to Joe Prado, Jesus Merino and Vincent Cifuentes. Overall, the work is nicely executed. I’m assuming Reis didn’t do the line work for the individual characters, as it’s not quite as thick or heavily inked as his usual work. This kind of art is like quality special effects in a blockbuster movie. They look great, but are to be expected. As solid as all of this is, nothing jumps off the page as wholly original.

(2 Story, 3 Art)