This Is Our First Pro Female Running Back

In an Indoor Football League game over the weekend, Jennifer Welter, a 36-year-old female player of the Texas Revolution, got three rushing attempts, thus making her the first female to play a non-kicking position in a professional league.

And she got rocked.

Welter is only 5-foot-2 and weighs 130 pounds. On her first attempt, she ran as fast as she could, which rivaled the speed of a snail. Despite not even going half speed, 250 pound defensive lineman Cedric Hearvey of the North Texas Crunch, made her pay by walloping Welter backwards.


Welter later recalled saying "Is that all you got?"

Riiiiight. If these guys wanted to seriously hurt Welter it would be no issue. Then if you fast forward to the :19 second mark of the video, you can see Welter yet again get knocked sideways off her feet by a defender who wasn't even going full speed. On her third and final attempt she got stuffed at the goal line, finishing the night without gaining a single yard.

Welter summed up her night by saying “I’m an athlete, I’m competitive, but the bigger thing for me is obviously for little girls to see they can do everything just like little boys can."

Actually, Jennifer, no, girls cannot do everything that boys can. Equality doesn't mean both genders are physically equal. That is not taking anything away from women at all because there are some incredible female athletes in a variety of sports. But its a fact: women are not equals amongst men on the gridiron.

These guys took it easy on you. Remember that. There are grown men in the best shape of their lives who look like they could have been from the movie '300', who leave with concussions and major injuries. You're a 130 pounds going up against 250-300 pound men. Do the math.

Welter showed a ton of heart and this publicity stunt accomplished what it was meant to do, but don't get your hopes up of ever seeing this in the NFL any time soon.


Joshua Caudill is a writer for CraveOnline Sports, a surfing enthusiast, an unhealthy sports fanatic, and an expert on all things Patrick Swayze. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaCaudill85 or "like"CraveOnline Sports on Facebook.


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