GTA V’s Online Heist DLC Confirmed for Spring Debut

After a long and (for some) painful wait, Grand Theft Auto Online is finally getting an update that will bring multiplayer heist missions to its online universe. It’s about damn time.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate how much work it probably took Rockstar to perfect these, but I have to wonder if they let their fanatical attention to detail get the better of them this time. Still, if these heists raise the bar for online cooperative interaction, or blow away people’s expectations entirely, then I’m sure all will be forgiven. Even by the most impatient of fans.

Rockstar’s press release didn’t include a release date outside of “Spring,” but it did say that players ought to “stay tuned for much more information to come.” For now, I’m content with that. What I’d really like to see is the inclusion of additional story mode heists with the update, because I’ll be damned if Trevor doesn’t own the the Los Santos Country Club before I put the disc in its case for the last time. Continuously whacking the in-game BAWSAQ stock exchange can get painful fast, and I’d gladly welcome a more efficient stream of story-mode cash.

Luckily, there is some new content planned to cushion the wait, referred to by Rockstar as The High Life Update. Online players will be given access to new apartments, a new rifle, some fancy wardrobe options, and both the Dinka Thrust motorcycle and the Pegassi Zentorno automobile. Given that these usually appear for free in story mode, I’m certainly not complaining.

GTA V has stayed impressively relevant in the near six months since its release, so it will be interesting to see if extra content can extend the game’s impressive life even further. Of course, story DLC is still on its way too, but there’s bound to be more news on that soon. 

There are still many rumors that PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions will be coming later this year. If they are true, will they include DLC? Probably not, but we can hope.

[Via: IGN]

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