If traveling to a foreign land to meet some continental ladies is in your future—and you’re worried your best lines won’t work overseas—fret not. The guys over at One Hour Translation have your back.
We asked them to translate 10 hilarious and perfectly cheesy pickup lines into three different languages (Spanish, Italian and French) so all you need to do now is memorize them and hit the outdoor cafes.
You’re single. I’m single. Coincidence? I think not.
- Tú eres soltera. Yo también. ¿Será coincidencia? No creo. – Spanish
- Sei single. Sono single. Sarà una coincidenza? Io dico di no – Italian
- Tu es célibataire. Je suis célibataire. Coïncidence ? Je ne pense pas. – French

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
- ¿Te dolió cuando te caíste del paraíso? –Spanish
- Ti sei fatta male cadendo dal cielo? – Italian
- Tu as eu mal quand tu es tombé de haut ? – French
I memorized every number in the phone book, but managed to lose yours. I’m going to need to get that.
- Me aprendí de memoria todos los teléfonos de la guía telefónica, pero resulta que se me olvidó el tuyo. Tendremos que remediar eso. – Spanish
- Ho memorizzato ogni numero della mia rubrica, ma sono riuscito a perdere il tuo. Ho bisogno di ritrovarlo. – Italian
- J’ai appris tous les numéros de l’annuaire, mais j’ai réussi à perdre le tien. Je vais en avoir besoin. – French
I don’t know if you know this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.
- No sé si te lo hayan dicho, pero te pareces mucho a mi próxima novia. – Spanish
- Non so se lo sai, ma sembri la/il mia/o prossima/o ragazza/ragazzo. – Italian
- Je ne sais pas si tu sais, mais tu ressembles beaucoup à mon ex petite amie / petit ami. – French
Are you a 90 degree angle? ‘Cause you’re looking right!
- ¿Eres un ángulo de 90 grados? ¡Porque te ves correcta! – Spanish
- Sei un angolo di 90°? Perché in te vedo un angolo di cielo! – Italian
- Es-tu un angle droit ? Parce que tu as l’air bien – French
If I had to rate you from 1-10 I would rate you as a 9 because I am the one that you are missing.
- Si tuviera que calificarte del 1 al 10 te pondría 9, porque yo soy el uno que te falta. – Spanish
- Se dovessi darti un giudizio da 1 a 10, ti darei 9, io sono la parte che ti manca per arrivare a 10. – Italian
- Si je devais te donner une note entre 1 et 10, je te donnerais 9 car je suis le point qui te manque. – French
Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?
- ¿Te duelen las piernas por haber corrido toda la noche en mis sueños? –Spanish
- Non sei stanca? Ti ho vista tutta notte nei miei sogni – Italian
- Est-ce que tu as mal aux jambes d’avoir couru dans mes rêves toute la nuit ? – French
Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.
- ¿Eres religiosa? Porque eres la respuesta a todas mis oraciones. – Spanish
- Credi in Dio? Perché sei la risposta a tutte le mie preghiere – Italian
- Tu es croyante? Parce que tu es la réponse à toutes mes prières. – French
Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.
- ¿Tienes un espejo en el bolsillo? Porque me veo metido en tus pantalones. – Spanish
- Hai uno specchietto in tasca? Mi vedo riflesso nei tuoi pantaloni. – Italian
- C’est un miroir dans ta poche ? Parce que je me vois dans ton pantalon. – French
Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.
- ¿Sabes de que está hecha mi camisa? De material de novio. – Spanish
- Sai di cosa è fatta questa camicia? Fibra di fidanzato. – Italian
- Tu sais de quoi est faite ma chemise ? De tissu de petit ami. – French
Got a few tried and true lines of your own? Tweet @OHT and they’ll translate anything you’d like on the fly.