NBC Rolls Out First Constantine Trailer

From the first promotional photo, we gathered that actor Matt Ryan could at least look the part of DC Comics' occult expert and all-around smartass John Constantine.  But with the release of the first official trailer for the new NBC drama series "Constantine," we find out Ryan may just be able to pull off the equal parts charm, snark and irreverence it'll take to ace a portrayal of one of DC's most popular cult characters.

The trailer gives us what can be assumed to be a bit of JC's backstory during his…um…"stay" in the mental ward at Ravenscar before spinning off to preview some of the supernatural encounters we'll see in early episodes.

We also get introduced to Constantine's supporting cast, including Lucy Griffiths ("True Blood") as Liv, a young woman who can somehow see the crazy world of magic and demons in everyday life; and Harold Perrineau ("Lost") as Manny, an angel assigned to watch over Constantine.

And if you have any experience with Constantine's corner of the DC Universe from two decades of Hellblazer comics, then you already know angels aren't always the helpful protectors in billowing white robes that you'd expect.

Even better?  Not a whiff of Keanu Reeves in sight, all but guaranteeing the best adaptation of John Constantine to screen that we've ever seen…

We'll see if DC fans are satisfied when "Constantine" debuts on Friday nights this fall on NBC.

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