Although they're sure to fight with an appeal, it looks like the Washington Redskins may be one step closer to being forced to changing their team name after nearly a century of tradition.
The U.S. Patent Office ruled Wednesday the team's nickname is "disparaging of Native Americans" and that the team's federal trademarks for the name are to be canceled.
So what does this mean? It means other people can use the name and logo and make money off it, and the Redskins can't do anything about it. Kind of a tough blow.
Team owner Dan Snyder has said all along there is no chance the team will change their name. However, in the case he may be wrong, here are seven — in my opinion — substantially terrifically fitting alternative names.
VIDEO: Redskins Haters Get TV Ad to Run During NBA Finals Game 3
Josh Helmuth is the editor of CraveOnline Sports.
Washington Redskins Replacement Names
Washington Braves
The team gets to keep its history and tradition with the name they originally had in Boston in 1932. A positive and affable ode to the Native Americans, the nickname has held up in baseball, why not football?
Washington Hogs
Possibly the most famous group of fans in the country, the 'hogs' have been a staple at games for decades.
Washington Hornswogglers
A dedication to the lies, deceit and corruption that's ruled D.C. for, well, who knows how many years? Can you imagine the fun that would come of this? Let's get horny!
Washington Nativities
Some Christian supporters have brought up they're still upset their right to display nativity scenes -- in some cases -- has been taken away. Therefore why steal something precious from another group; a group of football fans? Here you get to integrate the word 'natives' with something just as meaningful. Can you imagine the hoopla around Christmas time each year!? I would love to see a baby Jesus mascot following each touchdown!
Washington Piscataways
The Piscataway tribe inhabited the current day Washington D.C. region long before the whiteskins, er, excsue me, white man, entered the region. This is a specific honorary name to the Natives who still celebrate their rich history in the area.
Washington Reds
What the heck is a 'Red?' Who knows. But Cincinnati has been able to hide the definition for over one hundred years. By removing the word 'skins' from the name, the nickname becomes innocent and tradition continues.
Washington Tribe
Plain? Yes. But again, upholds tradition. Plus, there is no other professional sports team in the country with the name already.