Maybe you have a super hot girlfriend who’s introducing you to her parents soon, in which case, way to go, man! But what if you’re recently single? Taking her on a clever first date is one thing, but what about before that? It all starts — and sometimes ends! — with the first message. Here are seven messages that guarantee you remain in the anonymous internet abyss.
7 Online Dating Messages She'll Definitely Ignore
This is basically like driving by a hot chick and cat-calling her from your car. Does that ever work for you? Listen - starting out with a friendly hello is a good opener, but it's not a conversation starter. Give a girl something to work with.
How's your weekend going?
Ok, so this is definitely better than just a hello, but barely. Try getting more specific - or better yet, referencing something actually in her profile! Even the most laid back girls want to see you put forth a little bit of effort.
Your so pretty and u seem really awesome.
Aside from the bad grammar/spelling situation happening here (I mean, dudes, these are not hard words!), there's really nothing to reply to here. Maybe -- and it's a big maybe -- a really nice girl might be inclined to say thanks, but more than likely she gets messages like this several times a day. At that point, it's easier to ignore them.
I heard cats have nine lives.
Here's a real life example of a message that will leave most girls shaking their heads, staring blankly at the computer screen. Like, what? What are you even trying to get across here? (Other examples include, "Pigs eat truffles in the woods" and any other piece of stand alone trivia.)
I am a very very good lover and have the skills, size, and experience to make it pretty fun.
First of all, don't lead with this unless the girl has made it crystal clear that all she wants is sex. Second of all, show, don't tell. Third of all, "pretty fun" isn't that enticing.
7 Online Dating Messages She'll Definitely Ignore #6
I mean ... I see what's happening here and the intention is good. Being creative and quirky like this can be super charming! But also, a donut?
"Omg u r so hOT. wanna drink wit me l8r?
Guysss! Do better than this. While, yes, the message is clear, try losing the MySpace-era Internet-speak and focus on presenting yourself as more eloquent than a cave man.