Famitsu Hyrule Warriors Scans Show Off Playable Fi, Plus Ghirahim and Imprisoned Stages

You know, I have no idea how Hyrule Warriors will turn out as a final product, but Tecmo Koei is absolutely killing it with the fan service. It’s like they’re letting us do everything we know will never be possible in a mainline Zelda game. The latest info comes from a recent issue of Japanese gaming mag Famitsu, and a it looks as though a multitude of new ideas have been included.

First up is a new playable character, the Goddess-created sword being Fi. Though disliked by some fans for her incessant hint-giving in Skyward Sword (though, to be fair, it’s a staple of the series), Fi’s origin story and satisfying narrative wrap-up make her one of Link’s more memorable sidekicks. Frankly, she’s really only second to Midna, who is also playable in the game. So quit yer’ whining.

Related: Check out Midna’s Hyrule Warriors Trailer

Fi’s inclusion aside, Tecmo Koei appears to be giving villains their fair shake as well, with both Ghirahim and feral beast The Imprisoned appearing in the latest Famitsu’s pages. Though not playable characters (I’d be unconscious with glee right now if they were), the two appear to play a role in one or more of the game’s stages. It seems a bit odd that these villains have anything to do with Hyrule Warriors‘ plot (since they were effectively dispatched in previous games), but I guess that’s why the game isn’t exactly canon. Hey, you won’t hear me complaining. Just don’t subject me to this too often.

There’s a lot we still don’t know about Hyrule Warriors, so stay tuned for more info as it tortuously trickles from various sources between now and September 26th. In the meantime, take a look at these fancy scans and let us know what you think.


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