You may already know the name of David DeCoteau, or perhaps you know him under one of his many aliases: Mary Crawford, Julian Breen or the amusingly named Richard “Dick” Chasen. He’s directed 100 feature films as of this year, including four of the classic Puppet Master movies, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama, Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000, Witchhouse, the Brotherhood franchise, the 1313 franchise and the modern cult classic A Talking Cat!?! And how does he celebrate such a glorious accomplishment? Why, by appearing on The B-Movies Podcast of course!
Check Out: The B-Movies Podcast Presents: The Brothers Dowdle
That’s right, it’s an in-depth interview with B-Movie titan David DeCoteau about his rise to straight-to-video prominence, the foundation of Full Moon Pictures, the rise and fall of Skinemax, the production of the Puppet Master movies, his ratings fiascos with the MPAA, and of course, A Talking Cat!?!, which David DeCoteau reveals was supposed to be outrageous on purpose. He also says that Eric Roberts, the voice of the talking cat, really did perform his entire role in fifteen minutes in his own living room. Because obviously.
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Why didn’t David DeCoteau cast Brad Pitt in one of his early horror movies? You’ll find out on The B-Movies Podcast Presents: David DeCoteau! Subscribe to The B-Movies Podcast on iTunes, follow us on Twitter on @BMoviesPodcast, @WilliamBibbiani and @WitneySeibold, and follow the kid who pretends to be David DeCoteau on Twitter at @DavidDeCoteau, and check out his website RapidHeart.com!
Preview the Mighty Works of David DeCoteau:
William Bibbiani and Witney Seibold are the co-hosts of CraveOnline‘s B-Movies Podcast. Follow them on Twitter at @BMoviesPodcast.