It’s no secret that Sony and Evolution Studios’ blockbuster racer Driveclub has faced serious issues since its release, with crippled online functionality and a lukewarm reception from critics among them. It’s now been three weeks since Driveclub released, yet some players are still experiencing issues when trying to connect with friends over PSN. Given that the game’s title itself is a reference to its multiplayer functionality (Driveclub, as in, groups “clubs” of racers from around the globe coming together), its persistent issues are beginning to seem a little bit ridiculous.
Related: Like It or Not, Driveclub’s Reception Is Troubling News for Sony
Many of Driveclub‘s online problems have yet to be corrected at all since its release 21 days ago, and according to Kotaku, even the simple task of connecting to another player on your friends list remains unreliable. From what I can tell, the issue Kotaku is reporting has occurred after and in spite of a recent server update that went live nearly two days ago, which Evolution Studios called “significant.” Evolution had the following to say at the time of the update.
More improvements will follow as we make progress on Sunday and Monday, but we still have more work to do to get everything back on track before we can give you any bigger or better news. We will keep you up to speed.
Up to speed, ha! I love racing puns, though I imagine it’s hard to be in the mood for them if you dropped $60 on Driveclub and still can’t dependably play online. We’ll update with any improvements as soon as Evolution does, but in the meantime, you may need to track down an online racing alternative.