Super Smash Bros. For Wii U: A Guide to Ultimate Survival

Brought to you by Super Smash Bros. Wii U.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is out now, and in the time since its release most players’ lingering questions have been answered. Are there worthwhile distinctions between the Wii U and 3DS versions? Check. How about silky-smooth 1080p/60fps visual presentation? No hitches so far. We scored the game a rare 10 in our review, which you should absolutely read if you’re still on the fence about the game, or Wii U in general. My advice? Don’t be.

Perhaps the biggest question mark surrounding the new Smash has been its online capabilities, and after over a dozen hours spent Smashing against Wii U players around the globe, I’m pleased to report that the experience is not just worthwhile, but surprisingly smooth and dependable. No, you won’t be without hiccups if your opponent insists on tethering his Wii U to a prepaid 3G smartphone, but luckily, those opponents are relatively easy to identify and subsequently flee from.

Related: Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) Review – Final Smash

Of course, online merely working is only the first step. Now you have to worry about surviving. Smash has always been a game focused around local multiplayer, and as such you’ve likely only faced skill levels as advanced as the best within your group of friends. I assure you, the competition online is fierce, and if you don’t want to be mercilessly smoked (in charming Smash Bros. fashion, of course), you’ll need to be as prepared as possible.

That’s where this guide comes in. I’ve picked up a fair amount of useful info during my time spent online, especially when it comes to 1 vs. 1, item-less tests of skill in the game’s For Glory mode. Will the tips here render you immune to a rogue Captain Falcon so quick you’d swear he were somehow cheating? Perhaps not. But they’ll put you in a far better position to best him the next time he appears.

Read, prepare, and practice. In the end, time on task is the only true path to glory. Best of luck out there, and may the Smash Ball float ever in your favor.

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