Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Gets a New Trailer, “The World at War”

Square Enix revealed an impressive new trailer for Final Fantasy XV a few months ago, but that wasn’t the only trick up the publisher’s sleeve. The company also coughed up info on the HD remake of Final Fantasy Type-0, slated for release on PlayStation 4. We haven’t heard a whole lot about the game’s progress since then, but today Square posted a new trailer entitled “The World at War.”

The trailer is admittedly a bit stiff, but it does a nice job demonstrating what we can realistically expect from a PSP title ported to home consoles at 1080p. Some shots look great, while other are not-so-great, but the overall package appears to be shaping up nicely. Square included a brief description along with the video, which should prove informative for those who missed out on the original game.

A turbulent war of nations threatens to tear the land apart. Fuelled with propaganda, this show of power from the Militesi ruling incumbent, Marshal Cid, attempts to justify the Empire’s actions and discredit Class Zero, Rubrum and the other states.

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As noted by Square previously, players who pre-order Final Fantasy Type-0 HD before its release in March will score an exclusive Final Fantasy XV demo. For some fans this may actually be enough incentive to pre-order even without any desire to play or replay Type-0, and Square Enix absolutely knows it. I’d poke fun, but I may actually be one of those people. I haven’t decided yet.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is slated to release March 17th of 2015, so there’s time left to decide how desperately you really want that Final Fantasy XV preview (or Type-0 itself). Given that we still don’t know XV‘s exact release date, it may be wise to take any chance to play the game you can get.

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