Now that Netflix has well and truly set up camp down under, ISP’s are dealing with large amounts of data flowing to and from the video streaming giant. Thankfully, Netflix have finally released the results of an Australian ISP speed test, and the numbers show that while Australia’s internet isn’t the worst, there’s still room for improvement.
Netflix’s ISP rankings (below), have been released on the Netflix blog, and list the average prime time streaming speeds for Netflix content to customers through various ISPs during the month of April 2015.
Interestingly, this test’s results show Telstra, the largest telecommunications company in Australia, in last place with a meagre 2.23 megabits per second (Mbps).
On top of the list at number one is TPG Telecom, with average speeds of 3.36 Mbps, followed by Optus, iiNet, Primus and Exetel. View the full graph of ISPs and their test results, below.
The idea behind such tests is to let customers know how ISPs are performing when it comes to delivering their content. High levels of Netflix usage in Australia have already affected some iiNet customers, who experienced slowdowns after the service was launched.
Netflix’s ISP speed test also revealed that Australia is ranked 19th out of the 29 countries who use Netflix, meaning we sit behind New Zealand, who have claimed the number 14 spot and have plenty of bandwidth to also enjoy Netflix competitor ‘Nitflux’.
In other Netflix news, the Australian government’s proposed ‘Netflix tax is looking very likely to form part of the government’s 2015 federal budget, which will be released later today.
Netflix ISP Speed Index Test Results – Australia, April 2015

Image: Netflix