Can CBC Fool Canada? Will Sasso Will Try

What happens when you put Canadians in uncomfortable situations with outlandish (and albeit strange) characters? Host and comedian Will Sasso and his new CBC series Fool Canada will find out.

Fool Canada is a fun and witty social experiment that puts Canadians’ notorious politeness to the test. Armed with hidden cameras, Will Sasso (MADtv) and a team of comedians travel across Canada toying with real people on subjects that divide and unite us, and poke fun at what it means to be Canadian. The series works to irreverently poke fun at what it means to be Canadian, stretching our famous sense of humour to new limits, from our propensity for politeness to our acceptance of a multitude of taxes. Produced by Shaftsbury Films, Fool Canada showcases a colourful band of characters and comedians who will set out to shock, surprise, and shine a light on the comedic state of the nation.

“These things don’t work unless I’m in the comfy bosom of my countrypeople,” Sasso said to “There is this meter where you wonder how far you can push. And when you reach that spot on the meter it becomes fun.”

Fool Canada premieres tonight at 8:30pm on CBC.

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