Watch President Obama Awkwardly Dance The Tango

We’ve finally got an answer to the question everybody has been asking: Would President Obama do well on Dancing With The Stars?

And, the answer is, probably not.

Obama was recently attending a state dinner in Buenos Aires with Argentine President Mauricio Macri and during he was pulled up to dance the tango.

Both he and First Lady Michelle Obama danced with a female and male partner respectively and Obama looked very endearing but awkward. Like most Presidents, he kept a straight face while shit was falling apart around him, as his legs couldn’t quite keep up with the dancer’s. 

To be fair, for an impromptu attempt at the tango it actually wasn’t that bad, it’s just that he’s probably a better singer than he is dancer. He knew that too, waving at the other guests as if to signal, “I’ve had enough”. He had to endure it a little while longer though while his dance partner extended her leg up to his waist. 

Meanwhile, while the First Lady didn’t get a lot of time in front of the camera she looked like she was nailing it. 

Right about now, Obama is probably very glad that he’s in his last term as President and will probably never have to dance the tango again.

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