22 College Students Vacate After Rocket Fuel Explosion, Absolutely No Meth at All They Swear Hey, we all experiment in college.
Mandatory Funniest Tweets of the Week 02-25-2022 Congratulations on making it through another week in 2022. Celebrate by relaxing and scrolling through some of the funniest tweets…
Donald Trump ‘Truth Social’ Launches Despite Not Being Fully Operational, Follows Pattern of Every Sexual Encounter He’s Ever Had Donald Trump is no stranger to doing things half-cocked.
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 02-25-2022 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs, and we…
Meanwhile in Tennessee: Woman Exchanges Sex With 9 Students For Vape Pens, Vaping Somehow Has Worse Reputation Now Vaping somehow just got worse.
Forensic Detectives Pinpoint QAnon Founder and You’ll Never Guess Who It Is (Hint: Not Mike Lindell) Two forensic teams working independently made the same connection after discovering a linguistic fingerprint in the language patterns of Q.
Mandatory Tweets: Funniest Twitter Reactions to Kanye West Releasing His Kill List If you look closely, a key to Kanye's thought process was revealed here.
US House Candidate Gets Drunk and Vomits Mid-Rant at Pre-Teen Sleepover, And You Have Our Vote Easy on the wine, Abby.
First Man on Twitter Successfully Changes His Mind After Being Told How Wrong He Was (No, But You Were Right the First Time) One man recently had a “come to Jesus” moment about criticizing others after some heavy backlash on Twitter.
Man Calling Himself ‘Joe Rogan 2.0’ Claims to Have Grenades in His Ass, Does He Need Science to Show It? a 46-year-old man named Brian Gower showed up at the STRAT Casino claiming to have a grenade up his butt…