The porn industry is one of the biggest engines of entertainment in the world, but with the popularity of free, online porn the business has been forced to adapt with changing times. Here are 18 quite shocking statistics you probably didn’t know about the adult industry.
1. The average pay for a guy in a straight girl/guy scene is between $200-$600 on average, depending on his popularity. However, if it’s a less demanding scene, male actors could get as little as $50-$100.
2. According to porn agent Mark Spiegler, the average female porn star makes $40,000 to $50,000 per year, but obviously that number increases with their fame and number of scenes they’re willing to do.
3. The University of Montreal attempted to do a study on the impact porn has on men’s sex lives. To conduct the experiment they needed men that actively watch porn compared to men that have never watched it. The study never took place because they couldn’t find a single guy that had never watched porn.
4. Most girls will make anywhere from $800-$1000 for a straight scene with one guy and one girl, with an extra $100 for every additional guy in the scene. If she’s willing to do anal, it usually brings in an extra $100-$300 per scene.
5. According to a study conducted at Harvard, the state with the most porn subscriptions per Internet user is Utah, while the state with the lowest amount of porn users is Montana.
6. If a girl does a scene that’s only oral, the average rate of pay is around $250, while a girl-on-girl scene comes out to around $600.
7. Adult performers usually get tested for diseases every 12 days, at the cost of around $150 per test, so on top of the fees taken out by agencies, they’re also looking at a little over $300 per month on mandatory testing.
8. Approximately 12% of the websites on the Internet are porn. That’s estimated at nearly 25 million sites.
9. Guess how many porns in Australia feature women with small breasts? That would be zero. Australia has a ban on any adult film that features females with A-cups.
10. The average career length of a female in porn is much shorter than you’d imagine. According to agents, most girls work in the industry for around four to six months.
11. Amateur performers clearly bring in less than famous stars, but the rate difference is much more significant than you’d imagine. Most amateur females aren’t paid over $500, while amateur guys are paid as little as $100 per scene.
12. The belief that only guys view porn is a complete myth. While the majority of viewing is done by males, recent studies estimate that one out of every three porn users are female.
13. According to PornHub’s data, the two words that appear most often in porn comments are “love” and “hot” by a significant amount. 67% of the comments were also positive in tone and sentiment.
14. The top two most-searched keywords on porn sites are “MILF” and “teen,” which pretty much covers every end of the spectrum, doesn’t it?
15. Pornhub reports that 44% of desktop porn viewing is done with Google Chrome, with Internet Explorer making up 23% and Firefox bringing in 20%. Thankfully there were no results for Netscape Navigator.
16. The most searched occupation on porn sites is “teacher,” nearly doubling the amount of searches of any other occupation. The other popular searches included “babysitter,” “nurse,” “secretary” and “cop.”
17. After the World Cup, porn activity in both Argentina and Germany jumped nearly 60% above their average levels with analysts assuming both countries needed some stress relief after the long match.
18. The state with the highest percentage of users watching gay porn is, ironically enough, Mississippi, where anal sex is illegal. They’re followed closely by Georgia, Louisiana, New York, California and Florida.