While the UK is deciding upon whether or not it will remain in the European Union during the EU referendum today, there has been an expected barrage of Facebook posts and tweets from either side trying to convince fence-sitters to vote for their particular set of beliefs. However, among these last-minute pleas was one tweet that has captured the attention of the nation (or at least the portion of the nation that uses Twitter), with Keith Adam’s tall tale about his voting experience leading to him being ridiculed across the social networking site.
Keith, who says he “despises the EU and hates politicians with a passion” in his Twitter bio, posted the following tweet on the morning of the EU referendum describing his trip to the potting booth with his 93-year-old mother:

Needless to say, some suspected that he may have been telling a little fib, leading to Keith receiving a reasonable amount of stick from his fellow Twitter users:
@keitheadams that didn’t happen Keith
— Joel Pollby (@joelgolby) June 23, 2016
@keitheadams that’s a lie isn’t it Keith?
— Josh Hayden (@Joshalar) June 23, 2016
Then something miraculous happened. Keith, who had under 900 followers before he posted the tweet, suddenly found his short story garnering a lot of attention on the site. Eventually “93yr Mum” began trending throughout the UK, leading to people making up their own similarly questionable tales regarding their visit to the nation’s polling stations with their pensioner parents.
just took 93yr mum to vote, shes blind. she shouted ”JET FUEL CAN’T MELT STEEL BEAMS” cheer went up from the waiting voters
— Lucy (@lucyweir22) June 23, 2016
Just took 93yr Mum to vote, registered blind. She shouted in a loud voice “Noel Edmunds is a nonce”. A cheer went up.
— dons (@AnnounceTomlin) June 23, 2016
Just took 93yr Mum to vote, she’s registered blind. In a loud voice she said, “that didn’t happen keith” A cheer went up from waiting voters
— THE DUKE OF SURREY (@samwrite) June 23, 2016
Took my 93yr mum to vote, she’s registered blind. In a very loud voice she said “I am the angel of darkness”. Everyone outside was skeletons
— B-IN Skipper… wait (@bskipper27) June 23, 2016
Just took 93yr mum to vote, she yelled “Why does that sign say Dignitas?”. A loud cheer went up from waiting doctors.
— David (@lfcmaestro23) June 23, 2016
Took my 93yr Mum to vote, she’s registered blind. In a loud voice she said, “MI NAH GUH GI IT WEH NEVA!”
The crowd yelled “NEVA GI IT WEH!”— VOTE LEAVE (@aroueno) June 23, 2016
Just took 93yr Mum to vote. She shouted, “revolution today can only be the direct destruction of capitalist social relations.” All cheered.
— michael (@Sisyphusa) June 23, 2016
My 93yr Mum, she’s registered blind, just took ME to vote, at least that’s where she tried to take me, currently walking down the M1
— Harry Seaton (@harryseaton) June 23, 2016
Despite the swelling amount of jokes being launched in his direction, Keith was adamant that his initial tweet wasn’t a lie, stating that he was going to write a blog post in order to “set out the facts of my Mum voting”. Good luck with that, Keith.