Poor internet connections in the UK are affecting the public’s mental, new research has concluded.
According to a survey conducted by Fix Britain’s Internet, a movement set up by Sky, TalkTalk, Vodafone and the Federation of Communication Services, 1 in 10 British citizens suffer from stress and anxiety as a result of poor internet speeds and connection issues. The survey states that this issue can result in behavior such as angry outbursts, breaking down into tears and “pleading with our devices.”
The results of the survey indicated that one in eight people feel that internet connectivity in the UK is getting worse, while two-thirds say they feel “let down” by their internet connection at least once a month. 56 per cent of users said they were unable to perform even the simplest of online tasks, such as chatting on Skype, streaming a movie, shopping online or working from home. Fix Britain’s Internet has therefore encouraged the public to contact Ofcom, who for the first time is giving the UK public the opportunity to have their say on the quality of the region’s internet via email.
Ofcom recognises that Openreach, the UK’s national internet network, isn’t doing enough to ensure the quality of the UK’s internet, with Fix Britain’s Internet warning that it is having a detrimental impact on our long-term well-being. Speaking about the damaging impacts of a poor internet connection, neuropsychologist Dr David Lewis said: “The tortoise-like speed of a poor broadband connection doesn’t just a waste our time, it can also be detrimental to our physical and mental health.
“My own lab’s scientific research has proved that when internet connections slow to a crawl in the middle of completing an online task, we experience significant increases in blood pressure and heart rate, impaired reasoning and decision-making, growing anxiety, intense frustration and even incidents of ‘computer rage’.”