Traveling Alone: The 10 Best Countries For a Solo Adventure

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Solo travelling can cause some eyebrow-raising, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with waving off your friends and booking a single ticket to some distant country. Even though travelling with friends or love partners is one of the greatest things in life, it might not be the best option for each country as we know that group travelling is almost as much about your companion as it is about the destination, sometimes even more.

There are places that deserve our undivided attention, spots we would only fully enjoy with anonymity, cultures that we want to be completely immersed in, and times when we want solitude on our travels. But not all places are fit for it as cities like Amsterdam wouldn’t be as much fun without your friends beside you. Instead of going solo from coffee shop to coffee shop, maybe give these countries a chance.

The 10 Best Countries For a Solo Adventure:


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We are starting off easily, as Australia is the least exotic destination on this list, but it’s a great first step for novice solo travellers being that it is an English-speaking country with a Western culture, so it’s not a big transition, while still having a lot of interesting features to offer. Melbourne has been voted as the best city to live in multiple times, but it’s the golden beaches, contrasting outback, and laid-back Australian lifestyle that will lure most adventurers to visit the Land down under.

China (Hong Kong)

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A few steps more exotic than familiar Australia, China’s Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong will still offer some recognizable elements which you may want to hold onto when going on your first companionless travels. One of the biggest cities on Earth used to be a British colony up until the end of the last century, so using English won’t be a problem. Yet the majority of things around you will scream Asia. More than 7 million people reside in this concrete jungle, and many find their peace in one of the city’s zen gardens. When there are that many people in one space, it’s a certainty that you won’t lack things to do; everything you might imagine will be available to you, and you can forget about language barriers along the way.


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Japan offers both ends of the spectrum. The futuristic, bright, busy, senses-overloading megalopolis of Tokyo, and the peaceful, serene, mountainous, rose cherry blossoms-covered scenery of the countryside. Japan has the fastest trains in the world, so keep in mind that travelling in between cities and towns will be quite quick and you’ll have more time to experience the capital’s unique nightlife, tranquil Zen gardens, and historic sites that look like they breathe out wisdom.


Arnt Haug / LOOK-foto

Located in the heart of Europe, Switzerland arguably has the continent’s most beautiful and monumental scenery thanks to the Alps. So if you want to get in touch with nature, mountain slopes from which the best European chocolates come from are a supreme first choice. If you like going down slopes more than going up, skiing and snowboarding are the favorite pastimes in this highly mountainous country but don’t forget to check out utopic cities where modern and classical architecture are mixed in a surprisingly charming way. Swiss people are considered to be very polite, but also very reserved, so you if you want your peace and quiet, you’ll get it.  


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If you crossed Switzerland off your list because the people there are considered reserved, Ireland is the country for you. Just go to a pub, order a beer, and in a matter of minutes, you’ll be having great banter with people you haven’t met before. Irish sports fans are becoming legendary across the continent due to their great sense of humor and warmth they bring with them; the same thing applies when they are the hosts. If you’re seeking something little adventurous you may take a trip to one of the many castles, or the Aran Islands, a place that looks like it belongs in Westeros or Middle Earth more than in Europe.


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Egypt is so full of history and culture, that there actually isn’t a need for someone to be beside you in order to be in awe of the magnitude and mystery of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Egyptians are great hosts, but quite a few travellers started to bypass this African country because of troublesome events in the recent past. Although the situation has calmed down and the prices have dropped thanks to these unfortunate events. A true adventurer wouldn’t pass on the opportunity to gaze upon the mighty Nile, the longest river in the world, and to ponder existence itself in one of the cradles of civilization.  


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The most secluded part of Europe has probably the most rugged terrain on Earth, but with extreme roughness comes extreme beauty. It’s found not only on the ground, but in the sky also, as you might be lucky enough to see the Northern lights. Iceland has quite a few active volcanoes and waterfalls, and going there alone might make you feel like you’re an astronaut who landed on a new planet. Beauty can be found in abundance on this large island, but it might be tricky to convince someone to come with you, so travelling alone, fortunately, might be a necessity.


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The Kingdom of Thailand is one of the most famous tourist destinations, but an adventurer who travels alone doesn’t have to take the planned roads that regular tourists take, and luckily in Thailand, one can satisfy all the senses by taking the roads less travelled. Leonardo Dicaprio’s movie The Beach offers good help on what you might do or expect, at least at the beginning of the movie, just don’t go all the way like Leo’s character. Keep safe, but don’t forget to unleash your courageous spirit and experiment, the scenery will be fantastic pretty much everywhere you go, and the busy and cheap cities will offer a lot of excitement and cultural engagement.


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Getting in touch with your primal self and with nature can’t be done properly without interacting with animals, and there are very few places on Earth where that can be done perfectly; Kenya is one of those places. This east African country is the perfect location for safaris, and you’ll easily slide into one of the groups, find new friends, or you can go solo all the way and arrange for a guide to take you on a personal tour. The country’s infrastructure is sufficient, English is one of two official languages, and the nightlife in the capital Nairobi is booming, so the elephants, giraffes, rhinos, lions, and leopards are not the only reason to visit Kenya.

Costa Rica

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Countries in Central America have a reputation of being quite troublesome and unfriendly towards tourists, but Costa Rica has come on top in numerous yearly happiness rankings, and by on top, we mean it was number one. Visiting the place where people are the happiest might rub off on you, and going there alone will make it easier to open your mind to the ways of the locals. If you’re not too big on fraternizing with the native Costa Ricans, just enjoy the jungle, as Costa Rica invests a lot of its money in environmental protection budgets, not to mention that all types of water sports are at your disposal for a complete exotic adventure.

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