Facebook’s cheerful auto-videos are great for those who wish to create a video montage of a special day in their lives, but not so great when you’ve just been involved in a near-fatal car accident. This was discovered by Josh Gibson, who shared Facebook’s upbeat video documenting his “Friday in Orem” with the internet, with it featuring an overview of a horrific car crash he was involved in that the social network had incongruously paired with a sentimental jingle.
Facebook automatically creates these montages for its users by examining their camera roll and, if they’ve taken multiple photos within a single day, combining these photos and presenting them in the form of a whimsical little slideshow. Unfortunately, Facebook cannot recognize the context behind these photos, instead leaping to the conclusion that if you’ve taken many photos within a 24-hour period, you must therefore want them to be displayed in a highlight reel alongside a sickeningly sweet acoustic melody.
Describing the severity of the crash on Reddit, Josh wrote: “I had entered the freeway at the Orem University Pkwy on ramp and was chillaxin at a cool 65-70mph in the second lane from the right. I was enjoying a morning bagel (honey whole wheat – I’ve been watching my figure so I’m on an exclusively carb diet,) when I noticed a black sports car behind me about 500-750 feet traveling quite quickly, beginning to slow down so he wouldn’t hit me. Then, that red car swerved out to the right from behind the black car to avoid rear ending him, but over-corrected, lost control, drifted, then rear-ended me going an easy 95-100mph – he was hauling.
“He hit into my rear passenger side bumper, so my tail slid to the left and I started to roll. The third car involved was to my left, and I apparently flipped over that car and scratched their hood with the roof of my car, then landed on my roof and continued to slide. That’s when my sunroof shattered, and sparks started to fly into the car from the metal roof sliding against the asphalt. I was mostly hanging from my seat belt, but had to also hold my left elbow down against the sliding concrete to prevent my head from sliding and getting mangled. I was lucky to have not lost consciousness so that I could not get scalped or something from the cement.
“Once the car stopped sliding, I gathered myself, made sure I wasn’t seriously injured elsewhere on my body, undid my seat belt, and crawled out through some shattered glass and debris to the back driver’s side door that still opened a bit – enough for me to crawl out.”
Fortunately, no one was killed in the accident, though Josh said that he now has a “bloody stump of an elbow” and that one of the EMTs explained to him that he’d “never seen someone walk from an accident like that.”
Take a look at the video below: