Our friends over at StyleList want to help you out. So, instead of just assuming you know everything a woman desires, why don’t you listen to the editors at the premiere fashion site on the Web and make sure you are doing the right thing when it comes to the opposite sex?
This week: What are some perfect summer cocktails I should learn to make that are sure to impress women?

Summer is the perfect time to sit back, relax, and enjoy a cocktail with friends, family, and yes, the occasional male friend. To find the perfect cocktail, you must know the woman you are making it for and her style can tell you a lot. Is she laid back, high-maintence, quiet, over-the-top? These attributes can provide key insights into the kind of cocktail she’ll enjoy.
If she arrives wearing a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a white t-shirt serve her a Summer ale, she’s pretty low-maintence. If she arrives wearing high heels, make her a mixed cocktail (soda has less calories), she’s definitely high maintenance. Most women however, will likely choose a cute maxi dress or summer top and they’d love a nice refreshing beverage (add some fruit and she’ll go out with you again). Our friends at Kitchen Daily have plenty of recipes that foot this bill. All in all, you don’t need to be an expert at tending the bar, but any woman is impressed when a guy knows what he’s doing.
All in all, have fun with summer cocktails! The girl you’re crushing on will like you whether you make a mean mojito or not.
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