Whether you like their music or not, it’s hard to imagine anyone on the planet not knowing the band Nirvana or that lead singer, Kurt Cobain, tragically took his own life during their prime. I mean, even the royal baby, who has only been on the planet a few days, knows who they are.
Well, apparently there are, in fact, some incredibly clueless people out there. Just recently, a student from Virginia Tech reached out to Nirvana’s former record label, Sub Pop Records, with an impossible request. In a letter typed on some sort of Easter letterhead, the student asks if Nirvana would be willing to send a video to be included in a homecoming video collage, along with other acts such as Big & Rich and the Ying Yang Twins (who, for the record, actually happen to have living lead singers).
Before you go to smack your head, hang on a moment, because it gets worse. The letter goes on to say that Virginia Tech loves Nirvana and they would love to have her in their video. Her. Someone is either not editing their mass letters accordingly or they are just extremely confused.
You can read the letter in its entirety below and also see the texting correspondence between Sub Pop and the student, but first check out the hilarious video the gang over at Sub Pop Records sent in response: