The Devil is in Orlando and He’s Robbing Circle K Stores

Apparently the devil still hasn’t fully recovered financially since losing his fiddle of gold to Johnny and has moved on to stealing money instead of souls.

Orlando police are searching for a man who had the stones to hold up a Circle K convenience store Sunday morning while wearing a devil mask as well as a hideous orange T-shirt/light-colored shorts combo.

Authorities say the suspect stands about 5’4″, weighs approximately 120 pounds and did not have a getaway vehicle, as he ran from the scene. But if they think they can apprehend him at his grandma’s house peacefully, they might be in for a surprise. The picture below clearly shows this guy doesn’t care about anything, as he totally blows by the sign warning him the floor is slippery.

No word yet as to whether or not local authorities were also going to charge Circle K with attempting to steal Subway’s customers by offering that sweet $4 footlong deal. (via Orlando Sentinel)

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