Nobody likes clowns. Don’t believe us? Count on one hand how many of your friends get paid for their work as a clown. Odds are you’ll need to use zero fingers, and that’s because clowns are almost as scary as Renee Zellweger’s new face.
Stuck somewhere between hundreds of busty musicians’ groupies/wives and Queen Latifah on the 56th Grammys red carpet Sunday was this absolutely terrifying clown:

According to Yahoo!, the man under the mask is Shawn Crahan of the band Slipknot, who actually took home the Grammy for best metal performance in 2006. Crahan is one of the band’s original founders, and his stage name is “Clown #6,” as he can usually be seen performing while wearing some form of a clown mask.
But even though Crahan and his clown mask are beyond terrifying, the same cannot be said about his daughter Gabrielle (pictured left). We’re pretty sure people would be more tolerant of clowns if they all produced offspring like her. Wow.
(via Yahoo!)
More creepy clown news: Spooky Clown Wreaking Havoc on Strangers in UK Town