Thanks to two brothers in Rochester, New York, we finally know the answer to the age-old question, “What’s the worst that can possibly happen when siblings wrestle each other after polishing off a bottle-and-a-half of Southern Comfort and Jack Daniels?”

A Super Bowl party scrum is now being classified as a felony assault after Sean Fallon-Nebbia knocked his brother unconscious and bit off part of his ear.
According to a police statement, Fallon-Nebbia somehow has a girlfriend, and her handwriting is terrible. From what we could make of it, Audra Babcock told police the two brothers were just hugging and wrestling and repeatedly saying “I love you” to each other.
But the brothers’ gropefest suddenly turned violent when Babcock said the two “puked all over each other’s faces.”
Police say it was sometime after the brothers traded vomit sessions that Fallon-Nebbia punched his brother in the face several times, knocking him unconscious, before finally taking to his ear like it was a piece of beef jerky.
Babcock told police the brothers were drunk and “really just love each other.” We’ll assume a judge – and pretty much anybody else who isn’t under the influence of almost two bottles of whiskey – might see things differently.
(via The Smoking Gun)
Here’s another party we’re glad we weren’t invited to: Drunk Man Crashes Into Restaurant Then Gets Out and Masturbates