We can’t help but think that this is somehow R. Kelly’s fault.
A 19-year-old student at the University at Albany was arrested last weekend after allegedly urinating on a police officer who arrived at the Pi Kappa Phi frat house to break up a party.

According to The Smoking Gun, Noah McCall pissed on a uniformed police officer from a staircase and did so with impeccable accuracy considering it was 3:20 in the morning after what must have been a raging party. His urine hit both the head and face of the officer, who was later treated at a nearby hospital for “bodily fluid exposure.”
McCall was arrested and charged with third degree reckless assault as well as possession of a fake ID, which means when potential employers Google his name, they’ll be treated to the mugshot on the left.
Another 19-year-old student who actually lived at the frat house was arrested for possession of brass knuckles, but it’s still up for debate whether or not that is more gangster than McCall’s golden shower.
In related news, the Pi Kappa Phi frat house has thrown their last party.
(via The Smoking Gun)
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