Odds are if you’ve been watching Bob Costas at the Sochi Winter Games, you’ve been almost as uncomfortable as that time at Christmas when you accidentally called your mother-in-law fat. And odds are it’s because of this:

But there’s good news for Olympics fans. Costas announced today that since his eye infection has now spread to both eyes and he simply can’t do his job anymore, Matt Lauer will be replacing him for at least tonight’s prime time coverage.
Since first taking to the airwaves this past weekend, the NBC announcer’s pink eye has become a bigger joke than Shia LaBeouf, and nobody has captured it better than Twitter:
Much like the 5th Olympic ring…..Bob Costas has yet to open his left eye. #bobcostaspinkeye #SochiProblems #pinkeye #arrrrgggggg #eyepatch
– Clint Carter (@CLINT_T_CARTER) February 11, 2014
Shame to see Costas taking a break. A great sportscaster with an incredible eye for detail #Sochi2014 #bobcostaspinkeye
– Drew Jenkins (@TPADrew) February 11, 2014
Southwest Airlines to name all flights between 11pm-5am ‘The Bob Costas’ #pinkeye #CostasEye #bobcostaspinkeye #BobCostas #RedEye #Olympics
– Nathan (@stockejock) February 11, 2014
Bob Costas’ left eye must be an NBC laptop bc he just opened it in Sochi and it got infected. #bobcostaspinkeye
– Nick Lum (@nicklum) February 11, 2014
When are the finals for Bob Costas’s pink eye? #Olympics2014 #bobcostaspinkeye
– David Hugh Mungus (@DJUverified) February 11, 2014
>RT @kindredpage: “@BobCostasEyes: These Bob Costas jokes are getting cornea and cornea. #bobcostaspinkeye“
– JustMePammy (@JustMePammy) February 11, 2014
@wshortrib: Bob Costas reminds me of Rango!! #chameleoneyes #bobcostaspinkeye
– Lawrence Williamson (@wshortrib) February 11, 2014
Alright, whoever keeps farting on Bob Costas’ pillow – knock it off!! #Sochiprobs #bobcostaspinkeye
– Jordan Doffing (@jdoffoto22) February 11, 2014
Get in on the fun by using #BobCostasPinkEye when you tweet.
(via Twitter)
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