All right, stop.
Officials at North Carolina’s Durham Academy had to tell their students school was canceled because of the winter storm that has pretty much brought the South to a standstill.
But instead of just sending out a press release to local news outlets or reaching out to those parents at the top of the phone call pyramid, they created this video that has already gone viral, meaning everybody from Durham to Los Angeles now knows the Academy doesn’t have school today.
Headmaster Michael Ulku-Steiner and assistant head of school Lee Hark decided to channel their inner-Weird Al and made Vanilla Ice’s “Ice, Ice Baby” their bitch in the process:
Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Yeah, Vanilla Ice: The Rebound Tour, baby.
For what it’s worth, thank Christ they chose “Ice, Ice Baby” instead of “Havin’ a Roni,” as you know they would have had to say something like “No school today, so stay home and boney.” And then we would have been writing a story on why they both lost their jobs.
(via BuzzFeed)
Word to your mother. It’s time to get viral: The 15 Best Viral Videos of 2013