Remember your 120-pound pothead roommate in college who used to get so baked that he would order a large pizza even though putting away a medium-sized pie was damn near impossible for him? W

ell, it turns out he was a genius.
According to NPR’s Planet Money, a larger pizza is always a better deal.
Using data from over 74,000 pizzas and 3,678 pizzerias, they determined your pothead roommate should have always ordered the larger pizza, and the reason is simple. Since most pizzas are made in the shape of a circle, its area increases with the radius.
Using that rationale, a 16-inch pizza would be four times the size of an 8-inch job.
And given the state of America’s education these days, they even made a chart to help get their point across a little easier:

Of course, if Domino’s would start charging $5.99 for each medium pizza and $11,000 for a large, you’d be much better off ordering a couple of medium ‘zas, bro.
(via A.V. Club)
A part of the pizza delivery process reserved for drunks and assholes: The Best ‘Special Instructions’ Pizza Deliveries