They say that Italian is one of the romance languages. And I guess the Pope would agree after accidentally dropping the Italian version of the F-word into his weekly address on Sunday. That’s right, the pope has gone viral after saying the F-word during his Sunday blessing.

According to the Daily Mail, Pope Francis was discussing the crisis in Ukraine during his weekly blessing from the window of his apartment at the Vatican Apostolic Palace. Francis, whose native tongue is Spanish, was performing the blessing in Italian when he said, “In this f*!% – in this case, the providence of God is made visible as gesture of solidarity.”
Of course right after he dropped the F-bomb the crowd in St. Peter’s Square looked at each other wondering if they had all heard the same thing. The Pope, to his credit, kept his composure and continued on with his Sunday blessing without missing a f*$% … I mean, beat.
Check out the video below. If you know Italian, you will know where he drops his swear. If you don’t, well, listen to it a few times and learn how to swear in Italian.
Different clips of the incident have now been seen my millions of people worldwide.
The Catholic Church has been longing for some different headlines as of late, and although it’s not turning water into wine, it’ll do.
Francis still has a long way to go to join this list: 10 Badass Popes