People have different ways of dealing with cheating spouses, usually ranging from giving him or her another chance and making them take you out for a steak at Applebee’s to the much more frowned upon murder-suicide.
We’ll say that placing an ad in a local newspaper congratulating both your cheating husband and his pregnant mistress falls somewhere in the middle but right next to awesome.
That’s exactly what Timeshia Brown did recently after finding out her husband Patrick was having an affair with another local woman named Shara Cormier:

The ad first appeared in a local Texas newspaper but has since been passed around like the village hooker on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.
Shara Cormier of Hemphill, Texas, does have a Facebook page, and she is “friends” with a Patrick Brown from the same town. Let’s just say if the child turns out to be a mixture of those two, it’s going to be the fugliest kid in eastern Texas.
In a related story, realtor Stephanie Corley would probably tell you this was the best $25 she has ever spent on advertising.
(via The Daily Mail)
Hey, at least she didn’t stab him with a squirrel: Woman Stabs Husband With Ceramic Squirrel For Not Bringing Home Beer