Don’t let anyone ever tell you that there is no harm in a little spring cleaning. They’ve clearly never found multiple live grenades in their attic before.

Daily Mail reported yesterday that Caroline Cyganiak of Oak Creek, Wisconsin was going through her late husband Fabian’s Army gear when she made a startling discovery: inside one of his ammo tins were four live grenades. Upon calling in the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office bomb squad, it was discovered that along with being live explosives, the grenades were also highly unstable.
While the experts were able to remove the grenades from Cyganiak’s household without incident, several emergency calls were made throughout the neighborhood after the explosives were detonated in a controlled environment due to the noise. According to Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards, had the grenades gone off inside, they “would have damaged that house extensively and probably injured anyone within a radius.”
Fortunately, after the crisis was averted, Cyganiak was able to maintain a good sense of humor on the matter, saying, “Today I went to the cemetery and I really reamed [Fabian] out.” However, she was still baffled as to why he would keep such dangerous explosives around the house in the first place. I guess we’ll never know.
At least they didn’t find any of these lying around: The Scariest Secret Weapons of World War II