Here’s a story that would bring a smile to Robb Stark’s face. Well, it would if he wasn’t dead (oops, spoiler alert).
At least one student in France is hailing his math teacher as a genius after he supposedly brought order to his classroom after threatening to reveal the names of every “Game of Thrones” character who dies in the upcoming seas

on of the immensely popular HBO series.
According to UPI, when his classroom of roughly 70 students refused to behave themselves, he asked them to raise their hands if they watched “Game of Thrones.” And after 75 percent raised their paws, he told them if they didn’t quiet down and pay attention, he would begin to spoil the series for everybody in the room:
“Well, I’ve read all the books. If there is too much noise, I will write the names of the dead on the board. There are enough to fill the whole year, and I can even describe how they die.“
At first, the students got a good chuckle out of it. But according to one of his students on the website DansTonChat, a “religious silence” fell upon the classroom when the teacher began writing the names of those who died in Season 3.
Well, that’s one way to do it. Or you make sure your classroom isn’t the size of a small town.
Here’s another way to get your students to pay attention: Teacher’s Aide Kaitlin Pearson Gets Her Job Back After Leaked Nude Photos