Well, it looks like I just found another reason to grab my roommate’s towel the next time I decide to lay on the beach and catch some rays in Hawaii, brah.
According to Huffington Post, a large portion of the pristine, white sand that make up the beaches that are usually voted the world’s best is actually made from parrotfish shit.

Parrotfish apparently don’t have stomachs, so once the algae and dead coral they eat is converted into sand by their multiple sets of teeth, it goes directly to their long intestine and immediately crapped out their backside in the form of a big, white cloud of sand.
Large parrotfish have been known to drop up to 840 pounds of sand on the ocean floor in a single year, and the native Hawaiian name given to the female redlip parrotfish translates to “loose bowels.”
So, if I’m understanding this correctly, it means that when fish eat algae and dead coral without a stomach, it is pretty much the equivalent of a human being having a functioning stomach and making a 2 A.M. run to Taco Bell.
In other animal fecal matter news: Study Reveals Dogs Align Themselves With Earth’s Magnetic Field Before Taking a Dump