Robin Thicke’s song “Blurred Lines” sold over 6.5 million copies last year, making it the most popular song of 2013.

However, a DJ at a local Chapel Hill, N.C., bar has been fired after spinning the jam because one female patron didn’t care for the song.
According to UPI, Liz Hawryluk approached the DJ box at Fitzgerald’s Saturday night and asked the DJ to stop playing the hit song. At that point, it’s unclear if she was asked to leave just the box or the bar entirely, but either way, it didn’t sit well with Hawryluk.
While most people enjoy Thicke’s catchy little number, there are a select few who believe the song actually “triggers sexual violence.” Hawryluk, an intern at the Orange County Rape Crisis Center, was one of those people, saying, “”Fundamentally, all I was aiming to do is create a safe space in the Carolina community.”
For the record, there were zero reports of sexual violence while the song was being played that night or at any point of the evening at Fitzgerald’s. Nonetheless, management fired the DJ and assured its patrons the song will never be played at their establishment again because of the complaint.
Hawryluk’s actions have drawn the ire of many in the online community, including Barstool Sports and The Wire, and her Facebook page has since been deactivated as a result.
6.5 million copies sold versus one complaint. Geez. Let’s hope Hawryluk never has a beef with democracy, or we’re all screwed.
Learn how the “Blurred Lines” video came to be – Blurred Lines: The Exclusive Oral History Behind the Summer’s Biggest Hit