Considering that a visit from the Tooth Fairy at any given time in your adult life would be less than welcome because it would entail the loss of permanent teeth, a different kind of pixie has taken over in her stead.

OK, not really, but according to the Associated Press, 23-year-old Yeni Sleidi is on a mission to bring joy to the lives of the people of Seattle one nugget at a time. Over Memorial Day weekend, Sleidi was seen handing out fliers with nuggets of pot attached to them. Of course, when it comes to her true motivations, things get a bit hazy.
“I’m not sure what the thought process was but I thought people would be amused by it,” Sleidi said.
While recreational use of marijuana has been legal in both Washington and Colorado since 2012, the idea of handing out weed to strangers was actually first conceived while Sleidi was living in New York during the government shutdown. Her most recent attempt to put a little bud in our hearts, so to speak, was the first time she’d ever attached her name to the anonymous deed, though.
“I felt so relaxed about it … I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it elsewhere in the country,” Sleidi said.
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