Alfred Shropshire was apparently one hell of a car salesman at one point in his life, but he’s probably one of the worst thieves of all-time.

According to KOMO, Shropshire was arrested and charged with residential burglary after stealing a purse and coin box from a Lakewood, Washington home last week.
Local police were able to apprehend the 49-year-old former “Salesperson of the Month” at South Tacoma Mazda quite easily after Shropshire left – of all things – his award plaque at the crime scene. Even crazier, Shropshire hasn’t worked at the Mazda dealership since he quit in January.
The woman who owns the house told police she was inside and asleep at the time of the robbery, but the burglar tapped her on the shoulder before walking out of her home. Shropshire was already under Department of Corrections monitoring before the burglary, and he told his DOC officer that the woman invited him to sleep in her house in the middle of the night after his friends who lived nearby weren’t home.
Police didn’t buy the story and arrested him after he admitted to owning the plaque.
Given the fact that Shropshire was still carrying around his award five months after he quit his job, we’ll assume the rest of his life has been a major disappointment.
You think that’s bad, here’s a salesman who eats human toes: Shoe Salesman Gets 5 1/2 Years Behind Bars For Biting Off Toes