Mandatory Abroad: 10 Days in Brazil Following the U.S. Men’s National Team

Sometimes in life, you get offered an opportunity that is almost too good to be true. Such was the case a few months ago for Mandatory editors Gary Dudak and Max Miller, when the fine folks with contacted them and asked if they’d like to take a trip to Brazil to follow the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team during the World Cup. After their jaws were picked up off the floor, they obviously said yes, and began to prepare for the trip of a lifetime.

The itinerary for Gary and Max was to arrive in Brazil on June 18, where they’d join the Degree team (which included sweepstakes winners who would be along for the journey, as well) and follow the USMNT around the country, attending games two and three of their group play. So, after completing some paperwork, receiving several travel vaccinations, and mentally preparing for the unknown of Brazil, the Brazil Trip Buddies (as they came to be known) were ready to depart from LA and fly to Sao Paulo. Let the fun begin! (For more, follow Degree Men on Twitter @DegreeMen)

SAO PAULO (Days 1 and 2)

Gary and Max arrived Wednesday afternoon in the largest city in the southern hemisphere, and were ready to take Brazil by storm. Unfortunately, 4 p.m. on a Wednesday in Sao Paulo means a lot of traffic, so it took a while for them to arrive at their hotel. Nevertheless, they made it safe and sound, and the adventure was officially on.

Day one pretty much consisted of meeting folks, a nice dinner and getting acquainted with the city (and the hotel bartender), but day two was where the action was. On Thursday morning, the Brazil Trip Buddies got to attend a USMNT practice and press conference at the Sao Paulo FC practice facility. The team was coming off a big first match victory over Ghana, so there was a lot of excitement in the air. They would also get to meet team captain Clint Dempsey. Here are their thoughts on their time in Sao Paulo.

GARY: The city is so huge, I still have no idea where any of the places we went to were in relation to our hotel. But I would eventually learn that this would be the norm for me in Brazil. Hanging out at the USMNT’s practice facility was very cool, but I was especially in awe watching Tim Howard and the goalies practice. They would drop-kick missile-like soccer shots at one another standing literally 20 feet apart and catch them before they hit their face. I would have had a broken nose and possibly been placed in a coma after one shot. However, the highlight of the day was definitely meeting Clint Dempsey and getting him to sign my chest (photo right). He was a very cool dude, and I’m glad he had a successful World Cup performance overall. I’m also never washing that jersey.

MAX: Touring the training facility was an experience I’ll never forget. Getting to see the team fresh off a win against Ghana as they practiced for the upcoming match against Portugal was amazing. And Clint couldn’t have been a more cordial guy. He came off as confident, determined, and was incredibly thankful for the support from fans. However, he then spent most of the time telling everyone what a big fan of Mandatory he was. (That last part’s not true. He didn’t even say the word “mandatory.” Not even like, “This practice is mandatory.”)

MANAUS (Days 3-6)

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